Adrian Caluya spray painting.
Adrian Caluya spray painting.

Adrian Caluya is an electrical engineer major. He told me about the many things you could do with this major. But, his true ambition is to own his own stake board shop. But, he knows that he should go to college and earn a degree to have a foundation. I agree with Adrian. My major is in marketing, and it is something that I am interested in, however, my ultimate goal is to own my own restaurant. He is passionate about skateboarding because he enjoys the physical activity, and he has made great friends who encourage him to become a better skater. Together, they have traveled to many places to skate such as, Seattle, New York, and more. To answer this week’s question, we talked about how a piece of art in the galleries reminded us of something we have seen before. He said that the pots on display reminded him of the Disney move Hercules that is shown in the beginning. I could see why he said that because the pots have the same color and shape of the pots in the movie. Check out his website to learn more about him by clicking this link Adrian’s website.