
Hey, welcome to my page!

My name is Milagros Herrera. My first name may be a little hard to pronounce; but, fun fact, it means miracle in Spanish. In that case, will it take a miracle to pronounce it right? I’m only kidding. But no worries! My nickname is Millie. Millie is the usual nickname for anyone named Milagros. Nothing miraculous there. I was born in the United States. My family’s background is from Mexico, Guatemala, and France. I am an only child, and you may think that I grew up lonely; however, it is actually the complete opposite. My life is filled with loving and supportive people who have helped made me be the person I am today. I hope, in the future, that I may meet more influential people in my life through friendship.

I am the type of person who likes to do a little bit of everything. I am always looking for something new to do and experience. I like to stay active by playing soccer, going hiking, and having a day at the beach. You could say that my way of thinking is like Yin and Yang. I like simplicity just as much as I like detail. I like the ideas that opposites attract and that some things can change drastically from what it was before. I am an adaptor and I like to look for the positive things in any situation.

I am a third year marketing major in Cal State Long Beach, and I hope that I can dive into my career with great proficiency and passion. Wish me luck!